Massage Photo Shoot in Paradise

Massage Photo Shoot in Paradise

When there is so much beauty in the world... How do you pick which is the most beautiful? It's time to update and relaunch (In process) and that means new massage photos. I never get tired of taking photos of or seeing beautiful vistas in...

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Hi, I'm Cheryl!

Hi, I'm Cheryl!

Happiness Ambassador and Massage Therapist in Playa Sámara, Costa Rica. On my blog I share my thoughts about life here in beautiful Costa Rica, the highs and lows, what it’s really like to live in paradise, mom-life, finding balance, gratitude and inspiration as an aspiring author, healthy eater, imperfect mom and student of life..

LIVING LA PURA VIDA in Samara!This colorful little town is actually referred to as the ‘black hole of happiness’. It either grabs a hold of you or spits you out. Follow along and find out about our adventures in Costa Rica with my spirited 6-year-old..

Cheryl Adams

I'm looking forward ...

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