Today it was raining sooo hard. I could hear almost nothing over the pounding of rain on the roof. It’s great for sleep, meditation, being creative, painting, or writing…
Not great for phone calls or listening to anything but rain…
If you can really accept rainy season for what it is… it’s quite lovely, so green!
However it’s important to check out all times of the year before making a move here, and certainly before buying. If you heard my video with the singing frogs… Yes, that’s what that incredibly loud noise was… singing frogs, cantarana. Frogs are lovely, but maybe you don’t want to listen to them in your living room, or have them share your pool. Or, maybe ‘it will be challenging if you can’t do all the activities you love, due to the rain.
It’s quite often we see that after a full rainy season people have decided they can’t take another year. And that’s ok. If they decide this isn’t for them, then they are constantly recreating their lives to make life more in alignment with their own greater good… much better than denying what isn’t working for you. So, above all else, being honest with ourselves, and taking a hard look at yourself on how you may handle rainy season, would be some good introspection.
For me, rainy season here is definitely not worse than winter up north…at all. I like rainy season, as long as I don’t live somewhere with a high probability of flooding.
(Fell asleep after typing this and before clicking publish, so I’m still giving myself credit for writing every day, even though I actually clicked publish when I woke up at 1:48am…wait I think I woke up at that exact time the other day…)