I just wrote a super long blog post…in it I talked about how I used to believe in other’s before myself and I talked about the importance of believing in yourself and investing in yourself. I talked about resilience and about how I no longer believed that everyone had a ‘the one’ are paths aren’t all the same and maybe there wasn’t this perfect predestined timeline we were trying to figure out and abide by, there are just too many variables. I talked about the movie TiMer and my living list I’ll be posting up here shortly…and just when I went to add photos to this long and insightful post… Poof, all the words were somehow replaced by the image… So apparently, that insight was only meant for me. I’ll have to reflect on that.  For now I’ll share the photo that wanted to be seen no matter what….   This hangs in a home I lived in, in a beautiful forest.