Let's try this again...

YEAH! Body text! I figured out where you are! Oh boy…baby steps for sure. Lol. I typed an excerpt, but couldn’t figure out where it was showing up…so will have to see.  Anyway, I do have things to say. Besides discussing formatting, however, there are steps we take to get where we are going? No? This text is called Amethysta. I feel like that should be my new goddess name. Does anyone really choose a font over it’s name? And how the heck do they come up with font names anyway? It seems easy enough to read though. Quite a bit of space between words, is that good? Or is it too much space??
Looks like to test another font, I’ll have to do a new box or something, everything I write here is under the same formatting. Which on one hand it’s convenient it’s not based on what text I can highlight which is sometimes not cooperative. 


This text is called average….Average is small. Although Average to Amethysta isn’t so significant. 

I’m going to go pick my kid up from school now…but I think I’m getting a better handle on this….more later… What is this one called hmmm.. If I don’t indicate it when I go back it doesn’t say what I selected…ugh.

New section…what text am I picking….Ohh, this one has a personality about it… Maybe certain sections…

Hmm, I tried adding an AI image above to test, but then it doesn’t appear, will it only appear once published? That would be weird and doesn’t seem right.
Also this text is called anaheim…seriously, how do they come up with these names? And how will I decide on a font…there are sooo many!!

Hmm, tried another image and same thing happening… This is Capriola

You are ‘the one’.

I just wrote a super long blog post...in it I talked about how I used to believe in other's before myself and I talked about the importance of believing in yourself and investing in yourself. I talked about resilience and about how I no longer believed that everyone...

What do you wish you did?

What have you always wanted to do ? Are you doing it? Do you wish your parents had ‘made you’ keep up lessons, or gotten you into such and such? Are you still parenting yourself?

Days go by…

I can feel it flying like a hand out the window as the cars go by..days go by…Remember to live a little each day…

I’m still here…

Have you been getting any errors when visiting this site? I was having trouble accessing it and updated some WordPress plug ins, I’m so sure everything get’s along friendly, so let me know if you are having an issue.

Do you have a plan? And does life ever go to plan?

We have this one life, right?  What are we doing with it? What am I doing with it? A perfectly unperfect lump of clay or dough to create what we will of it.  With so many factors and people to consider and simultaneously nothing and no one to consider.  Our life and...

Choose peace

Can you feel when someone is sending you positive vibes? What about negative ones? You have every right to prioritize your peace

Do we know what’s best?… Is he just not that into you?

I dive into the breadcrumbing and lover kernels we accept, eye opening advice from the movie ‘He’s just not that into you’

To bake or not to bake, this is my question…

Balancing mom life, healthy living, life in Costa Rica…and deciding if baking is for me

Testing the Divi Builder

Where does this text show up
Hello hello

Who or what was your calm that helped heal the chaos?

There are people or things that wound us and there are people and things that gently heal us. What a difference it can make when you can rely on someone or something…