Here we are. We have this moment. Somehow we are all connected, yet somehow we are on our own. Connection is a funny and fickle thing. Have you ever been right beside someone and felt like you were miles away? Not a good feeling. Or you could have a video call with someone thousands of miles away and feel so very connected. Thinking and feeling similar things…Like you could reach out and touch them.
Perhaps it’s in the way you feel seen, or the way they show up, their presence, or just how you are feeling that day and if your feelings are acknowledged. Could be any number of reasons…but our feelings are all our own. I appreciate that social media has bridged a gap of making us feel like we are part of things we aren’t physically present for, or how you can wish all your friends happy birthday because facebook reminds you and on your birthday you receive 100+ happy birthdays.
Do we know when someone is thinking about us?
Do they show up in our dreams or have a little knock on their shoulder feeling that someone is thinking of them.
I have mixed feelings about this.
I think it would be wonderful for loved ones to know that I’m thinking of them. Like right now I’m thinking of my Oma, her birthday is coming up and I wish these last few years I could have spent more time with her, and for sure wish Skyler could have more family time…but I’m also grateful that Skyler’s been able to grow up in Costa Rica. I just wish he could have both. And hopefully we’ll get to more travelling soon and he can strengthen those connections with family. It’s just that it is something I think of often and it would be nice if you could like mentally send a warm hug to people.
The reason my feelings are mixed about this…is that, perhaps someone wishes ill upon you, could you also feel that? And if someone is obsessively wishing ill upon you, well that wouldn’t feel nice to be constantly reminded of that, as I’m sure, you’d just want to move forward and when some people ruminate, they can’t move on, they just sit in their obsessive thoughts…and would you want to know that you are constantly on someone’s mind and they are wishing any number of rotten things upon you?
So then what if someone is wishing you good vibes and blessings? Or you are frequently on their mind for positive reasons and it’s welcomed…can that be felt? Or only if it comes through the buzz of a text message notification with Blessing and heart emojis?
I frequently see people online asking for positive vibes, blessings, prayers and I do take a moment to visualize and send. And I have studied reiki and even distance reiki. I’ve done reiki on myself and felt the benefits…although I’ve never done distant reiki on myself, to speak of it.
My point is that if people can send and receive positive energy, what about negative energy?
I know years ago I used to receive the angriest of text messages and for sure I felt the negativity that came along with their intention…but without the actual text message coming through, would I have felt the intention or the ‘less than stellar’ wishes that were sent? For sure, it was a tough time in life where those messages felt like a ton of bricks and I had to prioritize my own well being by turning of notifications and blocking as part of self care. This was a lesson that took me a long time to learn, that it was ok to prioritize my own well being if someone else is invading my peace…they don’t deserve access to me.
Somehow my child has already learned this lesson. He uses messenger kids. A kids version of Facebook messenger that does not come with a facebook profile, but allows parents to monitor their kids facebook messenger usage. Anyway, I could see that Skyler had removed a few of his friends.
He told me they ‘were being rude and bullying’. He said, ” I warned them several times that if they didn’t stop I would block them, and they didn’t stop and I realized that If I didn’t do what I said I was going to do, they would not change, they would not learn, so I blocked them. You have to teach people how to treat you”.
He’s 10 and a half and he’s already learned this valuable lesson. This is a lesson, I am still learning. I feel like sometimes I learn it and I’ve got it and then something comes along and distracts me and I have to relearn it again. So, in that moment that my child showed how clearly he can set boundaries. I also did some blocking.
If you need a reminder, here is your reminder to protect your energy when necessary, you have every right to do so!
Pura Vida,