Today I was thinking about all the lovely people who I’ve crossed paths with and how people come into our lives for a reason, a season or perhaps a lifetime. Perhaps there are angels planted in different moments along our journeys…perhaps they are people who play the role of angels at that moment.

Perhaps it’s also a significant moment for them, in their lives…perhaps it isn’t. I was having this thought today, if we are living in our own version of the Truman show or if certain challenges are presented for our growth…

Today was another day that I was blessed to travel to an incredible spot to give massages. The view of the unspoiled forest was incredible. Prior to arriving at this dream house…I was a few minutes a head of schedule, and the best way to kill time is obviously to stop at the beach, so I’ll share a few beach moments with you, so take a few moments and enjoy some beach therapy. You deserve a break!

Take a virtual trip to the ocean – Playa Carrillo, Costa Rica

It’s amazing how stepping away for a moment can give us a new perspective.
Do you prefer Mountain View or Ocean View? It’s a really tough choice for me.
I love to be up in the Mountains with a view…can we get ocean and mountain view? Well today I did. I’ll post that lovely view from a fantastic vacation rental

Post rainstorm -Stunning view

After giving massages I stepped out to breathe in the incredible goodness eminating off this beautiful forest after a total downpour of rain.
When I stepped back in to packup my table and bag, one of my first time clients (never met or spoke to her before the moment she was on my table today) had some very unique feedback. Now, I’ve been blessed with some really lovely feedback over the years, and you’ll find some of that on trip advisor

This however, was quite unique… I am sometimes asked if I receive any messages…and sometimes I do…but this time someone said they had a message for me. That they saw a manatee. And they wanted to know if a manatee was significant to me. As a child I had signed up and paid to adopt a manatee named Phyllis. They sent me a certificate and photos, somehow this didn’t get me any closer to actually hugging a manatee, but at that stage they were my favorite animals. She mentioned how ‘she felt that I had been through so much in my life, stress and trauma’ and that she was to deliver a message to me, and she got very serious and looked me in the eyes. She said ‘God hears you, he sees you and he knows what’s in your heart, all the good that’s in your heart.’ She said. ‘God wants you to know he loves you, he hears you, he hasn’t left you, you aren’t alone’. She said ‘that manatee it stays so calm and gets hit by boats… ‘ She said, “Do not let anyone steal your calm, do not let them in. You must not. God doesn’t want you to let them in. He loves you. Do not do it. Protect your peace.”
By this time a was tearing up and asked if I could hug her.

I wanted to share this message, because it’s good advice.
If no one has told you today.
You are seen, you are heard, you are enough, you are loved.
God, the universe, people you don’t even remember having an effect on, family…love you.
You are NOT alone.
And if anyone is really feeling alone. I am reminded of a song from #crazyexgirlfriend It’s a hilarious show if you haven’t seen it called
I have friends

Pura Vida,


You are ‘the one’.

I just wrote a super long blog it I talked about how I used to believe in other's before myself and I talked about the importance of believing in yourself and investing in yourself. I talked about resilience and about how I no longer believed that everyone...

What do you wish you did?

What have you always wanted to do ? Are you doing it? Do you wish your parents had ‘made you’ keep up lessons, or gotten you into such and such? Are you still parenting yourself?

Days go by…

I can feel it flying like a hand out the window as the cars go by..days go by…Remember to live a little each day…

I’m still here…

Have you been getting any errors when visiting this site? I was having trouble accessing it and updated some WordPress plug ins, I’m so sure everything get’s along friendly, so let me know if you are having an issue.

Do you have a plan? And does life ever go to plan?

We have this one life, right?  What are we doing with it? What am I doing with it? A perfectly unperfect lump of clay or dough to create what we will of it.  With so many factors and people to consider and simultaneously nothing and no one to consider.  Our life and...

Choose peace

Can you feel when someone is sending you positive vibes? What about negative ones? You have every right to prioritize your peace

Do we know what’s best?… Is he just not that into you?

I dive into the breadcrumbing and lover kernels we accept, eye opening advice from the movie ‘He’s just not that into you’

If at first you don’t succeed…visit youtube

So, I attempted this Divi builder, and got pretty confused, so tail between my legs I thought maybe I was better off without using it, however, I really haven’t master that formating either…sorry readers…In the old formatting everytime I type a new paragraph I end up with new sizing and formatting which likely doesn’t make for an easy read, so I do want to enhance that…

To bake or not to bake, this is my question…

Balancing mom life, healthy living, life in Costa Rica…and deciding if baking is for me

Testing the Divi Builder

Where does this text show up
Hello hello