So, I’m still here, I’m still writing. I had updated some wordpress plugins and was having some website issues on this site and my relaxationspot site and I couldn’t get into this site to post to my blog.  There will be changes happening overtime to this site, but I’ll still be writing…I have so much to keep sharing in fact. 

Hope you find joy unexpectedly throughout your day. Hope you never lose that magic. 

There is more to come, for now, I was trying to get into this site and just found my way in at the ultimate moment (I’m not even sure we say that in English, but it actually came out in Spanish in my head Ultimo minut0), but it’s so late. I’m going to go to sleep…my tomorrow self will thank me for not staying up until the wee hours …anyway, I will be back. 

Love, Light and Pura Vida